Golf Tournament Sign up- Monday, May 12th

Check In 11:30 Shot Gun Start at 1:00 Monday, May 12th Catawba Springs Golf Course
Please choose your participation level:
Single Golfer - $150
Team of 4 - $600
Hole Sponsor Only - $200
Tornado Hole Sponsor (Team of 4 Golfers including all Mulligan Packages) - $700
We'd Love to Showcase Your Company
Presenting Sponsor - $3,000
Range Sponsor - $1,000
Lunch Sponsor - $1,500
Cart Sponsor - $1,000
*Questions regarding Tournament Entry or Sponsorship Opportunities please contact:
Les Stewart - HHS Athletic Booster President - 828-320-9231
Item DescriptionPriceQty
Just Golf
 Single Golfer$150.00 
 Team of 4$600.00 
Sponsor and Golf
 Tornado Hole Sponsorship Includes Team$700.00 
 Presenting Sponsor$3,000.00 
 Lunch Sponsor$1,500.00 
 Driving Range Sponsor$1,000.00 
 Hole Sponsor Only$200.00